Congratulations! Mr. Rasidul Islam

Congratulations! Mr. Rasidul Islam

Sep 16, 2024 11:10 PM 523
Congratulations! Mr. Rasidul Islam


Mr. Rasidul Islam. (Bangladesh)

Achievement List:

1. International Rank (Elite Member of SK IT)

2. International Rank (Diamond Member of SK IT)

Elite Member.

Whenever you get 10 people members from the first line, 10 people members from the second line, 10 people members from the third line, that is a total of 30 people members from any three direct lines, you will get the title of SK Elite Member. 

  • International> Elite Membership bonus is paid to all members at 5% on admission. 
  • All the facilities of National Rank will be applicable in International Rank. 
  • You will get $500.00 admission balance incentive (for laptop). 
  • International Membership Bonus 5%

Diamond Member.
Whenever you get 25 people members from the first line, 25 people members from the second line, 25 people members from the third line, that is a total of 75 people members from any three direct lines, you will get the title of SK Diamond Member. 

  • International> Diamond Membership bonus is paid to all members at 3% on admission. 
  • All the facilities of National Rank will be applicable in International Rank. 
  • You will get $1000.00 admission balance incentive (travel internationally). 
  • Get $0.50 bonus by creating any member password. 
  • Get 5% bonus on transfer money. 
  • You will get $1.00 for every admission pin created. 
  • Members have to fulfill their duty of cash out honestly.
  • Every month will get 2500AED fixed salary. (Payment will be made at $680)
  • International travel will be implemented in the last week of March June September and December every year.
  • Total International Membership Bonus 8%
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