Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services

Fee: $120.00

Discount: 20%

Duration: 4 months

Class Time: 2-Hours

Class Days: Two days a week

About The Course

Amazon web service is called all in one. It has all the tools or services needed for a business. Here you will find more than 200 services including database, storage, virtual computer. So there is no hassle of server set up for your company. Amazon Web Services is now a popular name around the world for easy login, low cost hosting and tools.
That's why our AWS course has everything from basic to pen to hand learning. As a result, you can start your career as an AWS developer if you have no idea beforehand. But that's why you need to know the basic coding of Linux and Python.

Professional And Standard Course Features

#COURSE ModUleMarketplace
1.Programming Language Fundamentals (Python)AWS Developer
2.Identity And Access Management (Iam)AWS Manager
3.Elastic Compute Cloud (Ec2) 
4.High Availability And Scalability 
5.Storage Service 
6.Databases For Modern Applications 
7.Database,Data Warehousing And Data 
8.Memorydb For Redis 
9.Amazon Timestream 
10.Amazon Keyspaces For Apache 
11.Networking Basics 
13.Aws Global Accelerator 
14.Microservices And Containers On Aws 
15.Monitoring And Audit 
16.Application Firewall (Waf) 
17.Perform Continuous Integration And Continuous Deliver 
18.Create And Manage Highly Available Architecture 
19.Operating System Fundamentals (Linux) 
20.Compute Service 
21.Elastic Compute Cloud (Ec2) Lab 
22.Elb & Asg 
23.Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) 
24.Aws Cli, Sdk And Cdk 
25.Analytics Services: Aurora,Rds,Dynamodb,Documentdb 
26.Amazon Neptune 
27.Amazon Qldb 
28.Cassandra, Athena 
29.Virtual Private Cloud (Vpc) 
31.Networking Lab
32.Decoupling Applications
33.Security And Encryption
34.Serverless Computing Concepts
35.Disaster Recovery And Migrations
36.Aws Well Architected Framework


That's why you need to know the basic coding of Linux and Python.

Career Opportunity

The demand for AWS in the world of cloud computing is now skyrocketing. The salary of this job is also quite good keeping pace with the demand. So if you do AWS course, you can do different things in the country or abroad effortlessly.

💥A professional course can change your life, so now is the time to up your skills through. 💥 SK IT is giving guaranteed remote job after taking admission. And golden opportunity to earn 5 to 20 dollars per day. ✍️ For any information about SK IT stay with us by filling the contact form, our representative will contact you soon. 💥 SK IT is the new horizon for you.