Java / Python

Java / Python

Java / Python

Fee: $150.00

Discount: 20%

Duration: 6 months

Class Time: 2-Hours

Class Days: Two days a week

About The Course

Currently, about 76 percent of developers choose python django to create any complex web application. All the problems can be solved quickly as there are plenty of easy-to-use libraries. And that's why in our course, from the basic logic of Python to making prototypes, we are taught to use Django's library. You can also learn more about the work of the admin panel. Every day in Jobs or LinkedIn, a lot of python development related work comes from inside or outside the country. This certified course will keep you ahead in the career race in this age of competition.
So if you want to learn all the details of web development, unit testing and form processing then you are invited to our python Django course.

Professional And Standard Course Features

#COURSE ModUleSoftware TaughtMarketplace
1.Concept Of Static & Dynamic WebsitePycharmWeb Application Developer
2.Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)VS CodeSoftware Engineer
3.Admin Panel IntegrationAtomBackend Engineer
4.Raw PYTHON CodingWeb BrowserDjango Developer
5.Dynamic Website Development Web Developer
6.Django Framework Backend Developer
7.Java Python Developer


Basic Computer Operation, Full Dedication

Career Opportunity

If you do Python Django course, you can work in any company as a skilled web developer or software developer.

💥A professional course can change your life, so now is the time to up your skills through. 💥 SK IT is giving guaranteed remote job after taking admission. And golden opportunity to earn 5 to 20 dollars per day. ✍️ For any information about SK IT stay with us by filling the contact form, our representative will contact you soon. 💥 SK IT is the new horizon for you.